Our Transparent Pricing Plans

Aliquam a augue suscipit, luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero tempus, blandit posuere and ligula varius magna a porta

$ 29 99

per month

  • 5 Courses Included
  • Course Learning Checks
  • High Resolution Videos
  • Certificate After Completion
  • Interactive Courses
  • Extra Exercises
  • Offline Viewing
$ 149 99

per year

  • 10 Courses Included
  • Course Learning Checks
  • High Resolution Videos
  • Certificate After Completion
  • Interactive Courses
  • Extra Exercises
  • Offline Viewing
$ 499 99

per year

  • 10 Courses Included
  • Course Learning Checks
  • High Resolution Videos
  • Certificate After Completion
  • Interactive Courses
  • Extra Exercises
  • Offline Viewing

Note! Prices may vary from location to location due to local taxation laws and conversion rates from U.S. Dollars.

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Distant learning for Creative solutions

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